Providing dedicated daytime and after-hours on-call answering services for home care companies throughout the United States.

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Top Home Care Answering Service in the US by 24/7 Coastal Contact

12 Benefits of Hiring a Home Care Virtual Receptionist

Arrange to have a home care virtual receptionist available as often as you need one. Read through these benefits to learn how they help.
Home Care Virtual Receptionist - 12 Benefits of Hiring a Home Care Virtual Receptionist
Home Care Virtual Receptionist - 12 Benefits of Hiring a Home Care Virtual Receptionist

A home care virtual receptionist answers phone calls and even emails. This ensures your company always has someone available to take calls, answer questions, and address concerns. Here are the top 12 benefits of hiring on-call staffing for your home care agency.

Around-the-Clock Availability

An answering service takes calls at all hours. You no longer have set hours when a client knows no one is available. If a family is due to have a caregiver arrive at 7 a.m., but their mom fell ill in the middle of the night, they can call, get a live person, and make sure the caregiver is aware of the situation.

Flexible Employment

What if you have clients who speak other languages? Are the workers in your office fluent in many languages? With virtual receptionists, you can request workers who are fluent in different languages and make sure your clients who do speak Spanish, French, etc. have someone who will understand their questions or concerns and provide an answer they understand.

Improved Customer Service

Virtual receptionists are there 24/7. If a home care client or someone interested in home care calls when you’re busy, they’re still getting a live person on the line. They’re not forced to leave a message, hope someone calls them back when they’re available, or give up and move on to the next home care agency hoping they’ll get a live person.

Better Communication

The virtual receptionists you work with become a connection that makes sure clients, your caregivers, and yourself are all getting the necessary information to establish beneficial client-home care agency relationships. You have one point of information for the initial point of contact, so you won’t have misinformation being spread by inexperienced workers.

Lessened Workload

With someone else taking calls, you have less on your plate. Boost your productivity in other areas like home visits, hiring and training, and marketing.

Lower Stress

Running a home care agency is a stressful endeavor. A well-trained virtual receptionist eases your stress by handling the calls and scheduling incoming clients correctly. You no longer have to worry about trying to do it all and having no time left.

Increase Your Efficiency

As you have workers answering calls and taking care of scheduling, questions, and concerns, your home care agency becomes efficient. You could take a day off and not have to worry about things at the office.

Increase Staffing as Your Needs Change

Your business is growing, so you can add additional virtual receptionists with ease. You don’t have to advertise or add more office equipment and workstations.

Save Money

The amount you’re paying in rent is absurd and it keeps going up. With an answering service, they work from their location. You don’t have to rent an office, pay wages and benefits, or keep track of employment forms. The virtual receptionists are contractors working for an on-call staffing agency, so you only have to pay that agency and they take care of the rest.

Peace of Mind

Your calls are answered in a timely manner and appointments are being scheduled in the method you’ve requested. You have peace of mind that calls or messages aren’t getting lost and callers are getting the information they need.

Improved Security

A home care agency must keep a client’s confidential information secure. Virtual receptions are trained to use encryption and maintain confidentiality when answering calls or sending messages to you and your caregivers.

Home Care Virtual Receptionist - 12 Benefits of Hiring a Home Care Virtual Receptionist
Home Care Virtual Receptionist – 12 Benefits of Hiring a Home Care Virtual Receptionist

Boosted Revenues

When you improve customer service, you get more referrals from satisfied customers. They’ll tell their friends and acquaintances, so you get more business. That business makes it easy to grow your business.

Arrange to have a home care virtual receptionist available as often as you need one. Talk to our on-call staffing specialist to learn more.

If you are considering hiring a Home Care Virtual Receptionist Service that is dedicated to the senior care market, contact 24/7 Coastal Contact today at (251) 260-0226.

Let us show you how and why we are different from any other service you may have tried in the past. Our team approach is the standard that sets us apart from the rest.

Becky King, Founder, CEO

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