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Things To Make Your Senior Feel Safer At Home

It’s normal for the children of seniors to worry about the safety of their parents living alone. But with these things, your senior parent can be happy, healthy, and safe at home.
Home Care - Things To Make Your Senior Feel Safer At Home
Home Care - Things To Make Your Senior Feel Safer At Home

If your senior parent wants to continue living at home as they get older there are a lot of things that can help them feel safe and secure at home. Some things will make you worry less about your mom or dad living alone. If your mom or dad is living alone you’re always going to worry about their safety a little bit, but using services like home care services and products like smart cameras make it possible for seniors to enjoy living in their own homes longer.

It’s normal for the children of seniors to worry about the safety of their parents living alone, especially if you don’t live close enough to see your mom or dad regularly.

But with these things, your senior parent can be happy, healthy, and safe at home:

Home Care

Home care is a service for seniors that provides seniors with the support they need to live well at home. Home care is available around the clock, so no matter when your mom or dad needs help it’s available. A home care provider can help your mom or dad with shopping, cleaning, making meals, going to the doctor, and much more. With home care your mom or dad will also have security and peace of mind of knowing they’re not alone.

Medical Alert Systems

Devices such as emergency buttons or wearable medical alert systems can provide immediate assistance in case of falls or medical emergencies. Having a home care provider with your mom or dad is the best way to make sure they don’t fall at home or can get medical help immediately if they do fall. But it’s a good idea for seniors to have some kind of medical alert system too.

Regular Check-ins

Having a daily check-in system with family, friends, or neighbors can provide peace of mind. Just a quick five minute call or video chat at the same time each day can reassure you that your mom or dad is ok, and it gives your mom or dad the peace of mind of knowing that you care about their health and safety.

Home Care - Things To Make Your Senior Feel Safer At Home
Home Care – Things To Make Your Senior Feel Safer At Home

Security Cameras

Having smart security cameras will protect your senior parent from break-ins or other crimes by deterring criminals. And it will protect them inside the home too, because with the cameras you will be able to see what’s going on in the home through an app. If your senior parent gets sick, falls, or needs help you can use the camera to see them, speak to them, and make sure medical help arrives after you call EMS.

Assistive Technologies

Utilizing smart home devices, such as voice-activated assistants, motion sensors, and automated lighting, can help seniors manage daily tasks more easily and safely. With smart home devices, like voice-activated assistants, lights can be put on timers, appliances can be remotely turned on or off, and many other household tasks can be automated for ease and safety.

If you are considering hiring a Home Care Service that is dedicated to the senior care market, contact 24/7 Coastal Contact today at (251) 260-0226.

Let us show you how and why we are different from any other service you may have tried in the past. Our team approach is the standard that sets us apart from the rest.

Becky King, Founder, CEO
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